
I was living in Paris, France when my husband came up with the news that we were moving to Houston. My mind was filled with the typical Texas clichés: desert, cow-boys and huge roads. But what I found when I arrived was a multicultural and dynamic city full of theaters, museums, art ….. I was so impressed, I could not get bored! The idea of contributing to the development of the arts and culture in Houston started germinating in my mind. I wanted to provide the cultural organizations, artists and everything related to art with the expertise and know-how that I gained when working as an Arts & Culture Manager in France. So I created Boost the Arts, LLC. PHOTO DORY
Boost the Arts was born with the intent to bring a new dynamism to Houston’s cultural life, promote innovative arts and bring the Houstonian communities closer together. I am Italian and I also lived in France for several years. I come from two European countries where arts and history are everywhere. Boost the Arts will bring the European touch to Houston’s cultural life while awakening the curiosity of the public for new forms of art.


Doriana Pappacena-Rossi, Founder & Director

J’habitais à Paris en France, lorsque mon époux m’a annoncé que nous irions nous installer à Houston.  J’ai tout de suite pensé aux clichés typiques du Texas: le désert, les cow-boys et des routes énormes. Mais j’ai trouvé à mon arrivée une ville multiculturelle et dynamique, plein de théâtres, de musées, d’art… J’ai été impressionnée, je ne pouvais pas m’ennuyer ! L’idée de contribuer au développement artistique et culturel de Houston a commencé à germer dans mon esprit. Je voulais offrir mon expertise et mes compétences de chargée de projets culturels  aux organismes culturels, aux artistes et à tout ce qui est lié à l’art et à la culture. J’ai donc créée Boost the Arts, LLC.
Boost the Arts est né avec l’intention d’apporter un nouveau dynamisme à la vie culturelle de Houston, promouvoir des arts innovants et rapprocher les communautés de Houston. Je suis italienne et j’ai vécu plusieurs années en France. Je viens de deux pays Européens où l’art et l’histoire sont omniprésents. Boost the Arts apportera la touche Européenne à la vie culturelle de Houston tout en éveillant la curiosité du public pour des nouvelles pratiques artistiques.


Doriana Pappacena-Rossi, Fondatrice et Manager

Vivevo a Parigi quando mio marito mi diede la notizia  che ci saremmo trasferiti a Houston. Mi vennero in mente i tipici cliché del Texas: deserto, cow-boy e strade enormi. Ma quello che ho trovato quando sono arrivata a Houston, è stata una città multiculturale e dinamica circondata da teatri, musei, arte… Sono rimasta stupita, non mi potevo annoiare! L’idea di contribuire allo sviluppo artistico e culturale di Houston inizio’ a fiorire nella mia mente. Volevo offrire alle organizzazioni culturali, agli artisti e a tutto cio’ legato all’arte la mia expertise e le mie competenze maturate  in Francia come Manager dei Progetti Culturali. Ho quindi creato Boost the Arts, LLC. PHOTO DORY
Boost the Arts é nata con l’intento di portare un nuovo dinamismo alla vita culturale di Houston, promuovere forme artistiche innovative ed avvicinare le comunità di Houston. Sono Italiana ed ho vissuto in Francia diversi anni. Vengo da due paesi Europei dove l’arte e la storia sono ovunque.  Boost the Arts porterà quel tocco Europeo alla vita culturale di Houston sensibilizzando il pubblico a nuove forme artistiche.


Doriana Pappacena-Rossi, Fondatrice & Manager